Building Regulations and Other Guidance

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Volume 2 Buildings other than dwellings

Vehicle access

Section 15: Vehicle access
Buildings not fitted with fire mains
15.1 For small buildings (up to 2000m2, with a top occupied storey that is a maximum of 11m above ground level), vehicle access for a pump appliance should be provided to whichever is the less onerous of the following.
a. 15% of the perimeter.
b. Within 45m of every point of the footprint of the building (see Diagram 15.1).
15.2 For all other buildings, provide vehicle access in accordance with Table 15.1.
15.3 Every elevation to which vehicle access is provided should have a door, a minimum of 750mm wide, to give access into the building. The maximum distance between doors, or between a door and the end of the elevation, is 60m (e.g. a 150m elevation would need a minimum of two doors).
Buildings fitted with fire mains
15.4 For buildings fitted with dry fire mains, both of the following apply.
a. Access should be provided for a pumping appliance to within 18m of each fire main inlet connection point. Inlets should be on the face of the building.
b. The fire main inlet connection point should be visible from the parking position of the appliance, and satisfy paragraph 16.10.
15.5 For buildings fitted with wet fire mains, access for a pumping appliance should comply with both of the following.
a. Within 18m, and within sight of, an entrance giving access to the fire main.
b. Within sight of the inlet to replenish the suction tank for the fire main in an emergency.
15.6 Where fire mains are provided in buildings for which Sections 16 and 17 make no provision, vehicle access may be as described in paragraphs 15.4 and 15.5, rather than Table 15.1.
Design of access routes and hardstandings
15.7 Access routes and hardstandings should comply with the guidance in Table 15.2. Requirements can only apply to the site of the works.
It may not be reasonable to upgrade the route across a site to a small building. The building control body, in consultation with the fire and rescue service, should consider options from doing no work to upgrading certain features, such as sharp bends.
15.8 Where access to an elevation is provided in accordance with Table 15.1, the following requirements should be met, depending on the building height.
a. Buildings up to 11m, excluding small buildings (paragraph 15.1): pump appliance access should be provided adjacent to the building for the specified percentage of the total perimeter.
b. Buildings over 11m: access routes should comply with the guidance in Diagram 15.2.
15.9 Where access is provided for high reach appliances in accordance with Table 15.1, overhead obstructions (such as cables and branches) should be avoided in the zone shown in Diagram 15.2.
15.10 Dead-end access routes longer than 20m require turning facilities, as in Diagram 15.3. Turning facilities should comply with the guidance in Table 15.2.