Building Regulations and Other Guidance

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Regulation 7 Materials and Workmanship

Appendix A: Key terms


The following are key terms used in this document:

The British Standards Institution is the UK national standards body. BSI publishes European standards in the UK as BS EN. Further information is available at:

Building control body

A local authority or an approved inspector.

The Comité Européen de Normalisation is the
European standards body that prepares harmonised European product standards. Declarations of performance against such standards should provide sufficient information for any member state to allow the product onto its market and for specifiers and users to be able to assess whether the product is suitable for its intended use.

CEN also prepares non-harmonised European standards, such as test or calculation standards and standards for products or services that have not been mandated under a CE Marking Directive.

CEN does not issue standards directly, only through national standards bodies; BSI is the designated standards body for the UK.
Further information is available at:

The European co-operation for Accreditation is the umbrella organisation for all national accreditation bodies in Europe. Product certification bodies, inspection bodies and test laboratories approved by national accreditation bodies belonging to EA are equivalent to those approved by UKAS. Further information is available at:

European Technical Assessments
A favourable technical assessment issued under the European Construction Products Regulation 2011 that allows a manufacturer to affix CE markings on their products. Further information is available at:

The International Organization for Standardization is the worldwide federation of national standards institutions. Standards are identified by ‘ISO’ and a number. ISO standards may be published separately or transposed into the UK as BS ISO or BS EN ISO. Further information is available at:


Materials include manufactured products such as components, fittings, items of equipment and systems; naturally occurring materials such as stone, timber and thatch; and backfilling for excavations in connection with building work.


New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations is an information system produced by the European Commission. It lists the harmonised European standards and the bodies notified by member states to carry out conformity assessment tasks for CE marking. Further information is available at: enterprise/newapproach/nando


The United Kingdom Accreditation Service is the sole national accreditation body recognised by the UK government to assess, against internationally agreed standards, organisations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services. Accreditation by UKAS demonstrates the competence, impartiality and performance capability of these organisations. Further information is available at: