Building Regulations and Other Guidance

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Part O Overheating

Section 4: Providing information


Regulation 40B: Providing information

This section deals with the requirements of regulation 40B of the Building Regulations 2010.


Information about overheating

40B. (1) This regulation applies to building work in respect of a building where Part O of Schedule 1 applies.

(2) The person carrying out the work must, not later than five days after the work has been completed, give sufficient information to the owner about the provision made in accordance with Part O so that the systems in place further to Part O can be operated in such a manner as to protect against overheating.


When a new residential building is erected, information about the building must be given to the owner of the building to allow them to use the overheating mitigation strategy effectively.

In the Secretary of State’s view, regulation 40B is met by providing information in accordance with Section 4.

Section 4: Providing information

4.1 Sufficient information about the overheating mitigation strategy and its maintenance requirements must be given to owners so that it can be used effectively. The information should be provided in a clear manner, for a non-technical audience.

4.2 The following information should be provided, where relevant.

a. The overall overheating mitigation strategy. Examples of possible strategies are given below.

i. Appropriately sized windows that do not let in too much direct sun, and therefore increase the internal temperature, but which open fully to allow cool air in.

ii. Roller shutters with ventilation louvres.

b. The location of each element of the overheating mitigation strategy.

c. Instructions for the operation of each element of the overheating mitigation strategy.

d. The time of day that different parts of the strategy should be used. For example, the shutters should be used in the day and the windows opened only when it is cooler outside.

e. The time of year when the strategy should be used. For example, all summer from May to September or only in hot weather.

f. Manufacturer’s contact details.

g. The location of controls and instructions for setting of controls, e.g. timer controls.

h. The location of sensors and how to recalibrate them.

i. Cleaning and maintenance instructions.

Home User Guide

4.3 A Home User Guide should be provided for new dwellings as described in Section 9 of Approved Document L, Volume 1: Dwellings. The Home User Guide should contain a section on ‘Staying cool in hot weather’, which provides non-technical advice on how to keep the dwelling cool in hot weather. The information in paragraph 4.2 should be provided in this section of the Home User Guide.

NOTE: Information about ventilation and the conservation of fuel and power is required under different regulations and guidance is given in Approved Document F (Ventilation) and Approved Document L (Conservation of fuel and power). Where the system provides more than one function, the owner should be informed of each separate function.