Building Regulations and Other Guidance

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Volume 1 Dwellings

Section 8: Cavities – flats

Section 8: Cavities – flats
8.1 Cavities in the construction of a building provide a ready route for the spread of smoke and flame, which can present a greater danger as any spread is concealed. For the purpose of this document, a cavity is considered to be any concealed space.
Provision of cavity barriers
8.2 To reduce the potential for fire spread, cavity barriers should be provided for both of the following.
a. To divide cavities.
b. To close the edges of cavities.
See Diagram 8.1. Cavity barriers should not be confused with fire-stopping details (Section 9).
Pathways around fire separating elements
Junctions and cavity closures
8.3 Cavity barriers should be provided at all of the following locations.
a. At the edges of cavities, including around openings (such as windows, doors and exit/entry points for services).
b. At the junction between an external cavity wall and every compartment floor and compartment wall.
c. At the junction between an internal cavity wall and every compartment floor, compartment wall or other wall or door assembly forming a fire resisting barrier.
This does not apply where a wall meets the conditions of Diagram 8.2.
8.4 It is not appropriate to complete a line of compartment walls by fitting cavity barriers above them. The compartment walls should extend to the underside of the floor or roof above.
Protected escape routes
8.5 If the fire resisting construction of a protected escape route is either of the following.
a. Not carried to full storey height.
b. At the top storey, not carried to the underside of the roof covering.
 Then the cavity above or below the fire resisting construction should be either of the following.
i. Fitted with cavity barriers on the line of the enclosure.
ii. For cavities above the fire resisting construction, enclosed on the lower side by a fire resisting ceiling (minimum EI 30) that extends throughout the building, compartment or separated part (see Diagram 8.3).

 Diagram 8.1 Provisions for cavity barriers
Cavities affecting alternative escape routes
8.6 In divided corridors (paragraph 3.25 and following) with cavities, fire-stopping should be provided to prevent alternative escape routes being affected by fire and/or smoke.
Double skinned corrugated or profiled roof sheeting
8.7 Cavity barriers are not required between double-skinned corrugated or profiled insulated roof sheeting, if the sheeting complies with all of the following.
a. The sheeting is rated class A2-s3, d2 or better.
b. Both surfaces of the insulating layer are rated class C-s3, d2 or better.
c. Both surfaces of the insulating layer make contact with the inner and outer skins of cladding (Diagram 8.4).

 Diagram 8.2 Cavity Walls excluded from provisions for cavity barriers

Diagram 8.3 Fire resisting ceiling below concealed space

Diagram 8.4 Provisions for cavity barriers in double-skinned insulated roof sheeting
Construction and fixings for cavity barriers
8.8 Cavity barriers, tested from each side separately, should provide a minimum of both of the following:
a. 30 minutes’ integrity (E 30)
b. 15 minutes’ insulation (I 15).
They may be formed by a construction provided for another purpose if it achieves the same performance.
8.9 Cavity barriers should meet the requirements set out in paragraphs 5.21 to 5.23.