Building Regulations and Other Guidance

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Part F Means of Ventilation

Volume 1 Dwellings: Introduction

0.1 This approved document is Approved Document F, Volume 1: Dwellings. It gives guidance on how to comply with Part F of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations. For guidance relating to non domestic
 buildings, use Approved Document F, Volume 2: Buildings other than dwellings.
0.2 This approved document contains the following sections:
Section 0: Introduction 
Section 1: Ventilation provision
Section 2: Minimising the ingress of external pollutants
Section 3: Work on existing dwellings
Section 4: Commissioning and providing information 
Appendix A: Key terms 
Appendix B: Performance-based ventilation 
Appendix C: Completion checklist and commissioning sheet
Appendix D: Checklist for ventilation provision in existing dwellings
Appendix E: Standards referred to 
Appendix F: Documents referred to
0.3 The guidance in Approved Document F, Volume 1 applies only to dwellings. 
For blocks of flats with shared communal rooms, Approved Document F, Volume 2: Buildings other than dwellings should be consulted.
NOTE: Dwellings are self-contained units. Rooms for residential purposes and buildings that contain only rooms for residential purposes are not dwellings and are covered by Approved Document F, Volume 2: Buildings other than dwellings.
0.4 Certain types of building are exempt from the Part F requirements of the Building Regulations. These are outlined in paragraphs A7 to A13 of the Manual to the Building Regulations.
Historic and traditional buildings
0.5 Work to the following types of dwellings may not need to comply fully with the ventilation standards in this approved document.
a. Those listed in accordance with section 1 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
b. Those in a conservation area designated in accordance with section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
c. Other historic buildings with a vapour-permeable construction that both absorbs moisture and readily allows moisture to evaporate. These include those built with wattle and daub, cob or
 stone and constructions using lime render or mortar.
0.6 Work to a building in paragraph 0.5 should comply with the ventilation standards in this approved document where reasonably practicable. The work should not result in either of the following
a. Unacceptably affect the significance of the listed building, conservation area or scheduled monument.
b. Increase the risk of long-term deterioration of the building fabric or fittings.
0.7 New extensions to historic and traditional dwellings should comply with all ventilation standards in this approved document unless there is a need to match the external appearance or character of the extension to that of the host building.
0.8 The local authority’s conservation officer should be consulted when undertaking work to a building in paragraphs 0.5a or 0.5b.
Emergency repairs
0.9 For emergency repairs, if it is not possible to notify the building control body in advance, the building control body should be notified as soon as possible. If the installer is registered with a
 competent person scheme, see Chapter 5 in Volume 1 and Chapter C in Volume 2 of the Manual to the Building Regulations.
Minor works
0.10 Minor works must comply with the relevant requirements of the Building Regulations, but the building control body does not need to be notified.
For mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning systems, minor works include any of the following.
a. Replacing parts.
b. Adding an output or control device if testing and adjusting the system would not affect its energy efficiency or would not be possible.
c. Providing a self-contained mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning appliance when all the following apply.
i. Any electrical work is exempt from a requirement to give advance notice to a building control body.
ii. Testing and adjusting the system would not affect its energy efficiency or would not be possible.
iii. The appliance is not installed in a room that contains an open-flued combustion appliance.
Live/work units
0.11 A unit that contains both living accommodation and space for commercial purposes (e.g. for a workshop or office) should be treated as a dwelling if the commercial part can be reverted to
 domestic use.
0.12 The commercial part of the building can be reverted to domestic use if all of the following apply.
a. There is direct access between the commercial space and the living accommodation.
b. The commercial space and living accommodation are within the same thermal envelope.
c. The living accommodation comprises a substantial proportion of the total area of the unit. What constitutes a ‘substantial proportion’ should be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the building control body.
NOTE: A large non-domestic building that contains a small flat for a manager is not treated as a dwelling. A dwelling that contains a room used as an office or utility space is still treated as a dwelling.
Mixed-use developments
0.13 When constructing a dwelling as part of a larger building that contains other types of accommodation, sometimes called a mixed-use development, refer to the two volumes of Approved Document F as follows.
a. For guidance on each individual dwelling, use this approved document: Approved Document F, Volume 1: Dwellings.
b. For guidance on the non-dwelling parts of the building, such as shared communal rooms and commercial or retail space, use Approved Document F, Volume 2: Buildings other than dwellings.
 Selected key interactions with other parts of the Building
0.14 The approved documents set out what, in ordinary circumstances, may be accepted as one way to comply with the Building Regulations. Those designing or undertaking building work remain responsible for assessing, on a case-by-case basis, whether specific circumstances require additional or alternative measures to comply with the regulatory requirements. There are interactions
 between many of the requirements of the Building Regulations. Guidance on some key interactions is given below. 
Interaction with Part B
0.15 The requirements of Part B apply if, for example, ducts pass through any of the following.
a. A fire resisting structure.
b. A fire compartment.
c. A protected stairway.
0.16 This approved document gives guidance on window openings for ventilation. In addition, Approved Document B gives guidance on the size of escape windows. The larger of the window openings
 specified in Approved Document B or Approved Document F should be applied in all cases.
Interaction with Part J
0.17 Ventilation fans might cause combustion gases to spill from open-flued appliances. These combustion gases might fill the room instead of going up the flue or chimney, even if the combustion appliance and fan are in separate rooms.
0.18 The guidance in Approved Document J should be followed when installing and testing ventilation appliances. Combustion appliances must operate safely whether or not fans are running.
Interaction with Part L
0.19 Energy efficiency should be considered when specifying ventilation systems. Energy efficiency, including the control of infiltration, is dealt with under Part L of the Building Regulations.
 Interaction with Part K and Part M
0.20 Manual controls, where provided for a ventilation device, should be within reasonable reach of the occupants. Follow the guidance in Approved Documents K and M.
Interaction with Part O
0.21 This document sets minimum standards for purge ventilation for rapidly diluting indoor air pollutants and extracting water vapour where necessary in habitable rooms in dwellings. For domestic-type buildings, Part O may require a higher standard than the guidance given in this document for purge ventilation to remove excess heat. In this case, the higher of the two standards should be followed.