Building Regulations and Other Guidance

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Part R Physical infrastructure for high-speed electronic communications networks

Appendix A & B


Appendix A: Key terms

The following are key terms used in this document and defined in regulation 44C of the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended):

Access point

A physical point, located inside or outside the building, accessible to undertakings providing or authorised to provide public communications networks, where connection to the high-speed- ready in-building physical infrastructure is made available.

High-speed electronic communications network

An electronic communications network which is capable of delivering broadband access services at speeds of at least 30 Mbps. High-speed-ready in-building physical infrastructure In-building physical infrastructure intended to host elements, or enable delivery, of high-speed electronic communications networks.

In-building physical infrastructure

Physical infrastructure or installations at the end- user’s location, including elements under joint ownership, intended to host wired or wireless access networks, where such access networks are capable of delivering electronic communications services and connecting the building access point with the network termination point.

Major renovation works

Works at the end-user’s location encompassing structural modifications of the entire in-building physical infrastructure, or of a significant part of it.

Network termination point

A physical point at which an occupier is provided with access to high-speed electronic communications networks.

NOTE: The ‘occupier’ is the subscriber to the broadband service. The termination point is typically inside the building, but may be outside the building for wireless connections.

Appendix B: Documents referred to


Building Regulations 2010 (S.I. 2010/2219)

Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 c. 9

Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 c. 46

All legislation is available at


PAS 2016:2010, Next generation access for new build homes – Guide. Publicly Available Specification produced by BIS and the British

Standards Institution (BSI). Available at uk/government/publications/pas-2016-2010-next- generation-access-for-new-build-homes-guide

Other guidance

The connected home: Designing and building technology into today’s new homes. NHBC Foundation guide NF67, January 2016. Available at