Building Regulations and Other Guidance

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Part S Infrastructure for the charging of electric vehicles

Section 1: New residential buildings


Requirement S1 and regulation 44D: Electric vehicle charging provisions for new residential buildings

This section deals with requirement S1 from Part S of Schedule 1 and regulation 44D of the Building Regulations 2010.


The erection of new residential buildings

S1. (1) A new residential building with associated parking must have access to electric vehicle charge points as
provided for in paragraph (2).

(2) The number of associated parking spaces which have access to electric vehicle charge points must be:

(a) the total number of associated parking spaces, where there are fewer associated parking spaces than there are dwellings contained in the residential building; or

(b) the number of associated parking spaces that is equal to the total number of dwellings contained in the residential building, where there are the same number of associated parking spaces as, or more associated parking spaces than, there are dwellings.

(3) Cable routes for electric vehicle charge points must be installed in any associated parking spaces which do not, in accordance with paragraph (2), have an electric vehicle charge point where:

(a) a new residential building has more than 10 associated parking spaces; and

(b) there are more associated parking spaces than there are dwellings contained in the residential building.


Application of paragraph S1 of Schedule 1 (the erection of new residential buildings)

44D. (1) The requirements of paragraph S1 of Schedule 1 apply in relation to the erection of a new residential
building with associated parking as follows.

(2) The number of electric vehicle charge points that must be installed is the maximum number of electric vehicle charge points that it is possible to install at an average sum of £3600 or less for the connection cost of each electric vehicle charge point connection (“the £3600 cap”).

(3) If it is not possible to completely fulfil the requirements of paragraph S1(2) of Schedule 1 as a result of the operation of the £3600 cap, cable routes for electric vehicle charge points must be installed in the associated parking spaces that would otherwise be required to have electric vehicle charge points, but for the operation of the £3600 cap.

(4) Where the new residential building has, or will have, associated parking that is situated within a covered car park:

(a) if there are or will be any associated parking spaces situated in a position other than in a covered car park:

(i) the requirements of paragraph S1 of Schedule 1 must first be applied in relation to those parking spaces; then

(ii) if the number of associated parking spaces, which are situated in a position other than in a covered car park, is insufficient to completely fulfil the requirements of paragraph S1(2) of Schedule 1, cable routes for electric vehicle charge points must be installed in:

(aa) the number of parking spaces in the covered car park which, when added to the number of associated parking spaces which are situated in a position other than in the covered car park, corresponds to the total number of dwellings with associated parking, where the total number of associated parking spaces is 10 or less;

(bb) all the associated parking spaces in the covered car park, where the total number of associated parking spaces is both less than the number of dwellings with associated parking and 10 or less; and

(cc) all the associated parking spaces in the covered car park, where the total number of associated parking spaces is more than 10;

(b) if all the associated parking spaces are situated in a covered car park, cable routes for electric vehicle charge points must be installed:

(i) where there are 10 or fewer parking spaces:

(aa) in the number of associated parking spaces in the covered car park which corresponds to the total number of dwellings with associated parking;

(bb) in all the parking spaces where there are fewer parking spaces than there are dwellings;

(ii) in all the parking spaces in the covered car park, where there are more than 10 parking spaces.

NOTE: Where the building control body is an approved inspector, see regulation 8 of the Building (Approved Inspectors etc.) Regulations 2010 (as amended).


In the Secretary of State’s view, requirement S1 and regulation 44D are met if building work complies with all the following.

a. For a new residential building where requirement S1 applies (paragraph 1.4), electric vehicle charge points are installed in accordance with paragraph 1.1.

b. For new residential buildings where both of the following conditions apply, cable routes are installed.

i. The requirement to install electric vehicle charge points does not apply to all associated parking spaces (paragraph 1.4).

ii. The building has more than 10 associated parking spaces.

New dwellings

1.1 Where associated parking spaces are provided for a new residential building, the number of associated parking spaces that have access to an electric vehicle charge point must be a minimum of either of the following.

a. The number of associated parking spaces.

b. The number of dwellings that the car park serves.

See paragraphs 1.4 to 1.7 for the application of these requirements.

NOTE: Where no associated parking spaces are provided, there is no requirement to install an electric vehicle charge point.

1.2 If some associated parking spaces are not required to install electric vehicle charge points following paragraphs 1.4 to 1.7, then cable routes may need to be installed. If either:

a. the average connection cost for an electric vehicle charge point connection is greater than £3600

b. some of the associated parking spaces associated with the new residential building are within a covered car park
the total number of associated parking spaces which have access to either an electric vehicle charge point or cable routes must be a minimum of either of the following.

a. The number of associated parking spaces.

b. The number of dwellings that the car park serves.

1.3 If the number of associated parking spaces for the new residential building is both

a. more than 10

b. more than the number of dwellings

cable routes must be provided for all associated parking spaces which do not have access to an electric vehicle charge point.

Application of the requirements to new residential buildings

1.4 The requirement to install electric vehicle charge points set out in paragraph 1.1 applies for each associated parking space where both of the following apply.

a. The associated parking space is not within a covered car park.

b. The average connection cost for each electric vehicle charge point connection is less than £3600, determined according to paragraph 1.5.

NOTE: Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2 give examples of determining which parking spaces are associated parking spaces. On a new development, multiple residential buildings, landscaping, roads etc. may be under the same ownership. The diagrams give examples of more complex site boundary scenarios.

general G6
Diagram 1.1 Determining associated parking spaces and site boundaries, example 1

general G6
Diagram 1.2 Determining associated parking spaces and site boundaries, example 2

1.5 The connection cost for installing an electric vehicle charge point is the extra cost of the incoming electrical supply per electric vehicle charge point connection compared to the cost without electric vehicle charge points.

1.6 Where the connection cost is greater than £3600 per electric vehicle charge point connection, the maximum number of electric vehicle charge points should be installed before the extra grid connection costs exceed £3600 per electric vehicle charge point connection. On a site where multiple new dwellings are planned (for example, where they are within the same notice/plans) an average connection cost may be used.

1.7 To show that the connection cost is greater than £3600 at least two formal quotes should be given to the building control body during the notice/plans stage as follows.

a. At least one quote should be from a distribution network operator.

b. Quotes should clearly show all of the following.

i. The total connection costs for electrical infrastructure without electric vehicle charge points for all dwellings, as an average cost per dwelling.

ii. The total connection costs with electric vehicle charge points for all dwellings, as an average cost per dwelling.

iii. The average additional connection costs per electric vehicle charge point per dwelling if electric vehicle charge points are installed for all dwellings with associated parking spaces.

iv. The maximum number of electric vehicle charge points that can be installed before the extra grid connections costs exceed £3600 per charge point per dwelling.

NOTE: For new dwellings where there is no requirement to install an electric vehicle charge point, cable routes may be required; see paragraph 1.2.