Building Control FAQs

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIF) Commencement Notice


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIF): What to do before you start development

If you're going to do work with planning permission

Before you start work:

  1. Section 8 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 requires that, for chargeable developments, the persons liable to pay the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIF) must submit a notice to the Local Authority setting out when development is going to start. This is referred to as a ‘commencement notice’.

  2. A person submitting a commencement notice must also serve a copy on each person known to be owners of the relevant land.

  3. The Local Authority then issues a demand notice setting out the payment due dates, and this payment procedure must be followed on commencement of the development.

  4. The collecting authority must receive the commencement notice at least one day before development is due to commence. Otherwise, the parties may be liable for a surcharge and may not be permitted to pay by instalments.

If you're carrying out work that doesn't need planning permission

You may still be liable for CIL if:

  • you don't need planning permission and are carrying out permitted development

  • you've been given permission to carry out development through the prior notification process, particularly conversions of offices to residential accommodation

Before you start work, you need to send the Local Authority the notice so they can work out if you need to pay CIL. Get the Notice of Chargeable Development form from the CIL forms page at the Planning Portal website

If you do need to pay CIL, the Local Authority will work out how much you need to pay and send you a Demand Notice, which explains what to pay and how you can pay.

Overdue & Appeals

If you don't need to pay CIL, they will let you know.

If you don't pay on time, a penalty penalty charge might be incurred.

If you think that the amount of CIL you are being charging you is wrong, you can also appeal.

Check your Local Authority website/ Planning section for all the information in detail.

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