Timber Frame

Benefits & Key Features

  • Timber is a renewable resource, and the use of timber in construction can significantly reduce the environmental impact of building projects. Timber frame construction also allows for improved energy efficiency, as timber is a natural insulator. 

Speed of Construction
  • Timber frame construction can be completed much faster than traditional brick and mortar construction, allowing for faster project completion times. Cost-effectiveness: Timber frame construction is often more cost-effective than traditional construction methods due to the speed of construction, reduced labor costs, and lower material costs. 

Design Flexibility
  • Timber frame construction allows for greater design flexibility and customization, as timber can be easily cut and shaped to meet a variety of architectural styles and designs. 

  • Timber frame construction is durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions, making it particularly well-suited for the Irish climate. Health benefits: Timber frame construction can contribute to a healthier indoor environment by improving air quality and reducing the risk of mold and mildew growth.